Okay, this post is actually kind of pointless. I'm just warning you of the potential troubles you might run into after you receive your acceptance letter. Just get your paperwork ready early because you're going to receive an acceptance letter with a list of documents (requested by CUHK--not UCEAP) that has to arrive in Hong Kong (not be sent to Hong Kong) within two weeks.
I did most of my paperwork back in May because I had too much time on my hands. The biggest issue I encountered was trying to get my proof of financial support document from the financial aid office. It's sort of a hassle trying to get that document, so just ask for it in advance (I mean like a month in advance). I made the mistake of not doing that. I requested the document via email to the advisor on June 7. Then, I went to the Student Services Building on June 8 to find out how I would obtain the paper since my advisor did not to answer my email. I'm actually supposed to pick it up today, June 12. Good thing I didn't wait for it because my paperwork would have arrived extremely late.. or I would have had to pay a lot to get the paperwork there on time. Well, instead of the proof of financial aid document, I just sent in my mom's bank statement along with my own to prove that I would have enough money to study abroad. Luckily, my new bank statement didn't come yet.. otherwise, this wouldn't have worked.