So, I'm scheduled to leave on May 24... but something really interesting happened.
On the day that I was supposed to take my last final, May 21, there was a freaking potential typhoon warning. I couldn't even confirm it because no one was picking up the phone anywhere. I didn't get any emails regarding the cancellation of the final. But, apparently, when there's a typhoon warning above 3, no one is supposed to go to work/go to school/go anywhere. So, I guess that was my confirmation...
The levels of typhoon warning signals
Mild typhoon warning signals (level 1) - expect some strong winds and rain - you still go to class/take finals but... prepare for the weather to get worse
Semi-urgent typhoon warning signals (level 3) - strong winds and heavy rain - no one supposed to be outside because mother nature is starting to do some light damage in some part of HK, thus no work/school/anything
SUPER urgent typhoon warning signals (level 8-10) - strong winds, crazy rainstorms, and maybe even a hurricane - mother nature is on the loose doing crazy damage in some part of HK - do not go outside - this is not a joke.
Instead of having levels 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. They've all just become various level of 8 (i.e.: 8SE, 8SW, 8NE, 8NW). I don't even know what happened to level 2.
So... the levels of the typhoon warning signals are 1, 3, 8SE, 8SW, 8NE, 8NW, 9, 10... 10 being a hurricane.
Sigh. My final was then rescheduled for the May 24th, 12:30PM. UM. My plane ticket home was booked for May 24, 10:40AM. -___- Thank god after ten million phone calls and emails to ten million departments in CUHK, I was finally able to get in touch with someone that could reschedule my final to the... 23rd. -____-
I was planning to go to places from the 21st to the 23rd, but things never go as planned... do they?!? The typhoon warnings and rescheduled final pretty much ruined my last week in HK.
But anyway... during all that typhoon warning signal madness, I was packing the remainder of my luggage.
I already packed one of my suitcases prior to taking this picture. |
Right after I took my final, I took my remaining luggage up to the lobby to check out of my dorm... and trekked to the MTR station for the second time (with luggage)/the last time (in HK).
I actually took one of my suitcases to my uncle's apartment earlier. United College (where my hostel is) is NOT close to the MTR station at all so taking a big suitcase from UC to the MTR station is a really big hassle. You will have to get on the bus, but chances are that your luggage will be super heavy... and unless you're super strong, you will need someone's help to lug your things up there. The bus does not only have one door, but it also has a very narrow walk way... so your stuff will probably take up 70% of the space in front near the door. This is something equivalent to a fire hazard... but on the bus. Yes, that is right. All the other people trying to take the bus risk tripping over your stuff. But, what can you do?! You need to get to the MTR station too. :[
Thankfully, it was not raining the day I had to take EVERYTHING down to the MTR station. I had a patient bus driver and a nice fellow offered to take my luggage (a big suitcase, a big plastic Ikea bag, a big gym bag, and a big backpack) up the stairs of the bus for me. I AM SO THANKFUL. Let me tell you though... the bus ride was
not pleasant at all. The bus is basically going downhill the whole time and braking half of the time. All my stuff was at risk of falling 90% of the time because once I got onto the bus, I had to hold onto all of it myself. :(
But that's not so bad. I mean... I could have had a really mean bus driver that said something like "omg, look at this annoying girl causing a scene with all her big luggage. she can't even get it onto the bus herself. why does she have to be on my bus"... except it sounds ten times meaner in Cantonese. I might or might not have witnessed something similar to this happening...
The big IKEA bag was a nuisance. There was no way to actually close the bag, so I had to kind of tie the handles together with strings to create some sort of a closure. I wasn't actually bringing any of the stuff in that bag back to the States. I just didn't want to just throw it all away, so I gave it all to my uncle.
Apparently, he didn't need any of it. LOL. If anything, I just cluttered his small apartment with more trash. He called my mom and said something like... what the heck, why didn't she just throw all these random things (packages of noodles, soy sauce, clothes hangers, blanket, freshly washed bed sheets, etc.) away at school, LOl. I don't like to waste things, okay!
Anyway, my cousins were meeting me near the MTR station, so I no longer had to lug all this stuff by myself. Thank heavens. HALLELUJAH x 10000000000000. Three of my cousins were there, so one took my suitcase, one took my gym bag (and regretted it quickly after), one took the IKEA bag (and quickly found it to be a great nuisance as well), and I just had my backpack. ^___^ They offered to take my backpack too actually, but that's um... not right. I had to contribute somehow. :D