Saturday, May 25, 2013


After what felt like a century on my flight back home from Japan, I finally landed at LAX.

I think the whole duration from HKIA to NRT to LAX was a total of 19 hours. I never want to do that again, LOl. -___-

I sat next to a Japanese girl, who was participating in a homestay program. I think she was staying in Hollywood? I tried to talk to her during the flight, but her English was really limited. :( Oh well, I'm just grateful that I sat next to a nice person. ^__^

Anyway, after retrieving my luggage, I was trying to get out ASAP. But, of course, I would be chosen to put my luggage through the x-ray screen machine thing. Everyone else was fine. JUST ME... and a few other Asians.

I'm guessing that because I had a large amount of luggage, they're afraid that I'm smuggling illegal stuff in. Hello. I'm a law-abiding citizen. I would never. I am seriously offended........... Just kidding. It was just a bit VERY inconvenient. Do you know how heavy all my luggage is?! I had to throw my two suitcases AND big gym bag onto the conveyor belt... then I had to put it all back onto the stroller with zero help.

Then, when I finally got out, I couldn't find my parents. I had no way of communicating with them. I tried to get wi-fi on my iTouch, but... that was so unreliable. -___- I kept trying to email my mom (LOL), but it didn't work. For the record, she has a smart phone with a data plan, so she should have been able to get my messages... I guess the airport wi-fi was really shoddy because she never got my emails. How frustrating. -_-

I ended up getting change to call my mom with the payphone. It's funny because I had a few dollars and like a nickel in my purse before I left to HK. It came back to LA in the same position... untouched. Eventually, my parents found me. ^___^

I landed in LAX safe and sound. I got home safe and sound.

Time to start adjusting to the time change.


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