Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery (萬佛寺)

Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery is located in Shatin. It is a Buddhist temple containing.. literally 10,000+ statues of Buddhas! It's just a short walk away from the Shatin MTR.

Guess what though? You also have to climb 400+ stairs in order to reach the temple...


The start of the stairs...

More stairs...

More stairs...

More stairs...

More stairs...

More stairs...

ALMOST at the entrance of the temple

Even closer...

Tada! We've reached the entrance of the temple

So that will mark the end of your stair climbing. Upon arrival, you will see a directory.

The directory
View from the temple
I actually went a little before it closed, so I don't think I explored the whole temple. I was mostly only in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall area.

This is the Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall... There are a LOT of little Buddha statues in here... Also, no pictures allowed inside.
It closes around 4:30PM or 5PM... We spent less than half an hour inside before we had to leave. :( But, we did see a lot of little monkeys (I don't know the species...) roaming around while we walked all the way back down. :)

Going back to the entrance

Oh, there were some mosquitoes flying around... so make sure you have some sort of mosquito repellent. I didn't... so I got a lot of freaking mosquito bites. -___-

Even though I had to climb a lot of stairs, I really enjoyed being in the temple. It was so peaceful and relaxing. Maybe it's the high altitude... kind of makes you feel like you're no longer in the city. It's nice being away from the hustle and bustle of HK sometimes.

FYI, there are no nuns or monks residing in the temple, so you won't be seeing them around.


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