The only notable thing I did there was go to the hot springs. LOl.
Bishuiwan Hot Spring Holiday Inn (碧水湾温泉度假村) (Liuxi Hotspring Tourist Spot, Liangkou District, Guangzhou 510960, China)
From my cousin's house we had to walk to some sort of shopping center. Then, from there, we took a bus to this hot spring place. I think it took about an hour.
I actually came here twice. Once with my older cousin and her friend, and the other time with my older cousins and my mom, who came to visit for Chinese New Years. :)
This place is a hot spring resort. If you're staying overnight, then you check-in at the entrance. If not, then you go straight to the locker area to change into your bathing suit. Then, you could start exploring the resort. It's actually pretty big.
There's a big swimming pool (for the summer) and a lot of little hot spring soaking ponds. Each pond has different flavor-infused water(?). I don't know the right terminology, lol. I went to a ginseng one, jasmine green tea one, etc. It's recommended that you stay in each pond 20-30 minutes each. I think it has something to do with blood pressure? I don't remember why.
There's ping pong tables... There's a hot swimming pool, where you can get aqua massages. You kind of just sit in this one area and all these high pressure hoses will shoot at you... I spent most of my time just napping at a place with heated wood floors... because you can only stay in X amount of ponds for X amount of minutes before you get super bored of it.
I went in the winter... so I had to run from pond to pond because it was SO freaking cold. -_- Makes me shiver just thinking about it.
Aside from that random outing, I was just staying at my cousin's apartment. She had work for most of my vacation... so I just stayed at the apartment. OH, did I mention she lives on the 8th floor? WITH NO ELEVATOR?! T_T
Anyway, during my extremely free time, I taught myself the fundamentals of Korean. I was interested in Korean and had planned to enroll in Korean I at CUHK. I thought it would be good to kind of learn ahead since I am extremely unfamiliar with the language. Little did I know, this was going to pay off big time.
I couldn't enroll in Korean I because everyone was trying to take Korean. I was able to be placed into Korean II though! I basically taught myself Korean I in one or two weeks.... lol. I was using multiple textbooks and one of the textbooks happens to be the one Korean I uses. Lol! Still can't believe the coincidence. Oh, but Korean II was really hard for me. :( The teacher spoke in Korean 70% of the time. -___-... I managed to pass with a B or B+ though. I'm satisfied.
Anyway, I could have went back to HK for the remainder of my vacation, but I wasn't sure what I would've been doing there. So... I decided to stay in Guangzhou because I get to eat homemade food everyday! LOL. :(
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